St John Ambulance Volunteer Wins Local Woman of the Year

St John Ambulance Volunteer Wins Local Woman of the Year Main Image

Every day untold numbers of incredible women are working tirelessly to make Parramatta a better place. It is impossible to acknowledge them all individually but the NSW Women of the Year Awards: Parramatta Local Woman of the Year 2024 provides an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the contributions of one remarkable woman.


The Local Woman of the Year Awards is an annual program that provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the contributions of a local woman in the Parramatta electorate.


Member for Parramatta Donna Davis MP has announced Jaqueline Mosthaghi-Qaziani is the winner of the NSW Women of the Year Awards: Parramatta Local Woman of the Year 2024.


Ms Mosthaghi-Qaziani has served as a volunteer member of St John Ambulance NSW for 35 years and has been in charge of the Parramatta Division for almost a decade. She selflessly gives hundreds of hours to our community every year with no expectation of reward.


In her role at St John Ambulance, Ms Mosthaghi-Qaziani has been a strong leader within the Parramatta Division, particularly through the difficult COVID years.


In addition to her role at St John, ‘Jackie’, as she is known to her friends, is a mother of three and active in their school activities most notably organising the St Kevin’s Catholic Primary School Eastwood Fete.


Donna Davis MP will recognise Ms Jaqueline Mosthaghi-Qaziani and the Parramatta Local Woman of the Year 2024 nominees at an International Women’s Day morning tea on Saturday 9 March.


Parramatta Local Woman of the Year Jaqueline Mosthaghi-Qaziani said:


"I am very proud to serve the Parramatta Community as a volunteer St John Ambulance member and assisting my children's school. This has been a very humbling experience and honour, helping others in need is reward enough."


Quotes attributable to Donna Davis MP, State Member for Parramatta:


“I am very proud to present this award to such a remarkable woman who volunteers and works so hard contributing to our community. “

“Parramatta is very lucky to have Jackie, her efforts have not only changed lives but saved them.”


“I congratulate Jackie on her selection as the Parramatta Local Woman of the Year for 2024 and also acknowledge all the dedicated and deserving nominees. Thank you for all you do.”