Wentworth Point High School opened Day 1, Term 1, 2025.
The NEW Wentworth Point High School caters for the growing population in the Wentworth Point, Sydney Olympic Park, Newington, Silverwater and Rhodes communities. The school is located at 7 Burroway Road, Wentworth Point.
Investing in our schools
As part of the Minns Labor Government's plan to rebuild public education, the 2024-25 Budget is delivering record education funding, including $3.6 billion for new and upgraded schools in Western Sydney. This targeted investment will ensure growing communities get access to a world class public education.
We still have more to build.
We are now seeking formal planning approval to start Phase 2 works on the new high school. These works will include:
1. Multipurpose school hall included a sports court and stage.
2. Outdoor sport courts
3. New trees, seating and shade structures
4. Bicycle parking for students close to Burroway Road.