We’re delivering on our commitment to build better schools for NSW.
After a decade of inaction by the previous Liberal National Government, we’re getting on with the job of upgrading Wentworth Point Public School!
As the State Member for Parramatta, I have fought for the following:
- 26 new classrooms with shared common areas in a NEW Block D
- Reconfiguring the existing library
- New support unit for students
- Removing the old demountables
What’s happened so far:
- Site establishment, including temporary boarding and fencing is complete.
- Installation of site sheds, amenities and connection of services is underway.
What’s coming next:
- Temporary construction access and sediment control. Preliminary investigations, including geotechnical testing and site surveys to prepare the site for construction.
- Construction work will start late November with piling to provide foundational support for the new building.